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“Ask Henry” Episode #16

By admin

In episode #16 of “Ask Henry” Henry Answers the following listener questions:

Mark from Chicago

Why do they have marital status on job application forms and do you have to check divorced if you are?

Sean from San Antonio

I’ve heard you should keep your divorce decree and that you may be asked for them to purchase a new car, home, life insurance issues and more. Is this true?

Jennifer from San Francisco

Can I change my mind about divorcing my spouse after I filed papers?

Laura from Jew Jersey

Can I change my restore my maiden name as part of or after the divorce the divorce?

Robert from Indianapolis

You did a show on The Divorce Than Never Ends. How do we keep ourselves mentally healthy during this process?  What specific advice can you provide on how not to let the constant attacks affect us as much?

Tom from Detroit

I’m a laid off auto worker and haven’t worked for over a year.  My ex and I were married eighteen years and we don’t have any kids.  It’s not like I haven’t been looking for a job, I have. Now my wife is taking me to court for spousal support I owe her according to the judge’s orders.  My question is, how can I be expected to pay what I don’t have?

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