Nine Ways to Survive a Divorce Financially in Tact
by Henry Gornbein
- Find out as much about your financials as possible before you file a divorce, so that there will be no surprises.
- Try to find out as much as possible about your job security and if you aren’t employed, see what your options are for employment.
- Carefully consider all options, especially whether or not the marriage can be saved.
- Think about your house. Does it have a negative equity? Can you afford the payments? Do you want to stay in the house, or leave?
- If you have children, think about your children. Can you work with your soon to be former spouse regarding custody and parenting time? What arrangement makes sense for you?
- Build a support system among family and friends, because this will be important as you go through a divorce.
- Keep a journal. Keep track of incidents and events. Do this both before and during the divorce.
- Prepare budgets. Try to figure out either individually or with a financial planner or an attorney, what you will need to live on once the divorce is final.
- Find a good attorney, someone you can trust, someone you can work with, someone who will not try to take advantage of you. The role of an attorney is to be supportive, to litigate, and be your advocate where necessary, but also not to create a scorched-earth policy. We at Gornbein Smith Peskin-Shepherd PLLC will have your best interests at heart, but will also take into account, especially if there are children, that you will have to communicate and move forward doing what is best for your children.